Adventurer, the wild cry beckons! For your upcoming Dungeons & Dragons adventure, are you creating a crafty Tabaxi rogue? Maybe a learned Tabaxi monk is looking for enlightenment? Regardless of your Tabaxi’s category, a memorable and themed name is the ideal finishing touch.

Choosing a name for your Dungeons and Dragons character can be an exciting yet challenging task. Whether you’re delving into the depths of a dungeon or engaging in epic battles, your character’s name is an essential aspect of their identity.

If you’ve chosen to play as a Tabaxi, a race of humanoid felines known for their agility and curiosity, finding the perfect name can add depth to your role-playing experience. In this guide, we’ll explore over 260 Tabaxi names to inspire your next D&D adventure.


Tabaxi Culture and Naming Conventions:

It’s critical to comprehend Tabaxi culture and naming customs before delving into the list of names. Originating from far-off places, the Tabaxi are a race of humanoids that resemble cats and are distinguished by their keen senses, fast reflexes, and voracious curiosity. In Tabaxi culture, names have deep symbolic value and are frequently derived from natural phenomena, animals, or ethereal ideas.

Tabaxi names typically consist of three parts: a prefix, a suffix, and a family or clan name. The prefix often reflects an aspect of the individual’s personality, physical traits, or achievements. The suffix can denote the individual’s role within the community or a notable accomplishment. The family or clan name signifies the Tabaxi’s lineage and ties them to their kin.

Without further ado, let’s delve into the diverse and imaginative world of Tabaxi names

Feline-Inspired Names:

  • Physical Traits: These names highlight a Tabaxi’s distinctive features.

    • Fur Colors: Sunbeam, Nightshadow, Duskpelt, Cinderstripe, Brindlestorm
    • Body Parts: Whiskertail, Clawfoot, Sharpear, Swiftpaw, Leapingflight
    • Graceful Movement: Silentstalk, Nimbleleap, Fleetfoot, Shadowdancer, Moonpounce
  • Hunting Prowess: Tabaxi are natural hunters, reflected in these names.

    • Predators: Tigershark, Lynxeye, Panthershadow, Falconclaw, Owlsong
    • Hunting Techniques: Stalkingwind, Ambushclaw, Pounceheart, Baitwhisper, Nightsnare
  • Feline Demeanor: Capture your Tabaxi’s personality with these names.

    • Playful: Mischiefmaker, Pouncekitten, Trickwhiskers, Teasingtail, Merrypaw
    • Fierce: Rippedclaw, Jaggedtooth, Battlefur, Stormbreaker, Ragingfang
    • Cunning: Slyshadow, Silvertail, Deceptivewhisker, Hiddenpaw, Clevereyes

Cultural Inspiration:

Tabaxi hail from distant lands, drawing names from various cultures:

  • Egyptian: Bastet (cat goddess), Sekhmet (warrior goddess), Ra (sun god), Nephthys (goddess of night)
  • Japanese: Kitsune (fox spirit), Nekomata (two-tailed cat), Yuki (snow), Sora (sky)
  • African: Simba (lion), Nala (gift), Aslan (lion), Zazu (hornbill) – consider respectful use of these names
  • Native American: Puma (powerful cat), Coyote (trickster spirit), Isanti (knife), Winona (firstborn)

D&D Lore-Based Names:

The rich tapestry of D&D offers a wealth of naming inspiration:

  • Forgotten Realms: Zakhara (region known for genies), Rashemen (region with harsh winters), Faerun (continent)
  • Eberron: Qabalrin (warforged race), Syrania (continent), Riedra (nation known for druidic magic)
  • Dragonlance: Krynn (world), Vingaard (island nation), Huma (legendary knight)

Creative Combinations:

For a truly unique name, consider combining elements from different categories:

  • Moonshadow Whisper (feline + hunting prowess)
  • Starlight Hunter (cultural – celestial + hunting prowess)
  • Whiskered Sage (feline + D&D lore – generic term for wise character)


  1. Whispering
  2. Swift
  3. Silent
  4. Graceful
  5. Cunning
  6. Agile
  7. Prowling
  8. Shadow
  9. Fleet
  10. Mystic
  11. Enigmatic
  12. Fierce
  13. Mystical
  14. Evasive
  15. Nimble
  16. Shimmering
  17. Radiant
  18. Sly
  19. Wise
  20. Fearless
  21. Ferocious
  22. Resilient
  23. Serene
  24. Ambitious
  25. Astute
  26. Daring
  27. Spirited
  28. Tenacious
  29. Vigilant
  30. Wily
  31. Ambush
  32. Quick
  33. Steady
  34. Phantom
  35. Wild
  36. Lurking
  37. Bright
  38. Clever
  39. Cunning
  40. Devoted
  41. Fleetfoot
  42. Gleaming
  43. Hawk-eyed
  44. Jaguar
  45. Keen
  46. Majestic
  47. Nimble
  48. Panther
  49. Quiet
  50. Roaming
  51. Scheming
  52. Thunder
  53. Tranquil
  54. Velvet
  55. Whispering
  56. Zenith
  57. Agile
  58. Bramble
  59. Cheetah
  60. Dreaming
  61. Elemental
  62. Forest
  63. Glimmering
  64. Humble
  65. Illusive
  66. Jubilant
  67. Luminous
  68. Mirage
  69. Nectar
  70. Opal
  71. Phoenix
  72. Quicksilver
  73. Regal
  74. Solar
  75. Tempest
  76. Umber
  77. Venom
  78. Wyvern
  79. Zephyr
  80. Aurora
  81. Blaze
  82. Celestial
  83. Dusk
  84. Ember
  85. Frost
  86. Gale
  87. Horizon
  88. Inferno
  89. Jasper
  90. Luna
  91. Midnight
  92. Nova
  93. Obsidian
  94. Prism
  95. Radiance
  96. Sapphire
  97. Twilight
  98. Vortex
  99. Whisper
  100. Zen
  101. Alabaster
  102. Breeze
  103. Cascade
  104. Dapple
  105. Echo
  106. Flame
  107. Glade
  108. Harmony
  109. Ivory
  110. Jade
  111. Kindle
  112. Lark
  113. Meadow
  114. Nymph
  115. Orchid
  116. Puma
  117. Quail
  118. River
  119. Sable
  120. Terra
  121. Verdant
  122. Willow
  123. Zephyr
  124. Acorn
  125. Basil
  126. Cedar
  127. Dewdrop
  128. Elara
  129. Fawn
  130. Garnet
  131. Haze
  132. Iris
  133. Juniper
  134. Kestrel
  135. Laurel
  136. Moss
  137. Nightshade
  138. Oak
  139. Petal
  140. Quill
  141. Rose
  142. Saffron
  143. Thorn
  144. Violet
  145. Whisper
  146. Xanthe
  147. Yara
  148. Zinnia


  1. Claw
  2. Pounce
  3. Stalker
  4. Whisper
  5. Fang
  6. Swiftfoot
  7. Tracker
  8. Moonshadow
  9. Nightstalker
  10. Heartpaw
  11. Swiftclaw
  12. Shadowpelt
  13. Sunstrike
  14. Silentfang
  15. Whisperwind
  16. Stormtail
  17. Dawnfire
  18. Mistysong
  19. Lightfoot
  20. Firesoul
  21. Windrunner
  22. Quickblade
  23. Dreamweaver
  24. Raindancer
  25. Starwatcher
  26. Sunseeker
  27. Songbird
  28. Shadowdancer
  29. Nightwhisper
  30. Emberheart
  31. Frostfang
  32. Sunspark
  33. Moonsong
  34. Swiftstrike
  35. Stormcaller
  36. Dreamwalker
  37. Sunbeam
  38. Moonlight
  39. Nightfall
  40. Fireheart
  41. Silentstrike
  42. Thunderclaw
  43. Lightstep
  44. Quickshadow
  45. Shadowblade
  46. Brighteyes
  47. Swiftclaw
  48. Stormheart
  49. Darkstalker
  50. Swiftsong
  51. Windchaser
  52. Nightshade
  53. Lightfoot
  54. Brightclaw
  55. Emberpaw
  56. Silentpelt
  57. Moonwhisper
  58. Sunshadow
  59. Dawnclaw
  60. Skydancer
  61. Dreamshadow
  62. Swiftwhisper
  63. Sunbeam
  64. Nightspark
  65. Emberwhisper
  66. Moonstrike
  67. Shadowfire
  68. Silentstorm
  69. Lightwhisper
  70. Swiftgaze
  71. Stormpaw
  72. Darkwhisper
  73. Quickheart
  74. Lightclaw
  75. Sunpaw
  76. Nightflare
  77. Shadowstrike
  78. Brightstrike
  79. Swiftflame
  80. Emberstorm
  81. Moonheart
  82. Dawnwhisper
  83. Starshadow
  84. Sunwhisper
  85. Swiftshadow
  86. Nightblaze
  87. Moonwhisper
  88. Darkheart
  89. Brightdawn
  90. Shadowgaze
  91. Sunstorm
  92. Whispermoon
  93. Swiftwind
  94. Emberflame
  95. Moonfire
  96. Silentclaw
  97. Dawnblade
  98. Lightstorm
  99. Shadowmoon
  100. Sunflare

Family or Clan Names:

  1. Brightfur
  2. Moonwhisker
  3. Swiftclaw
  4. Shadowpelt
  5. Sunstrike
  6. Silentfang
  7. Whisperwind
  8. Stormtail
  9. Dawnfire
  10. Mistysong
  11. Sunfur
  12. Nightclaw
  13. Whisperpelt
  14. Swiftsong
  15. Shadowheart
  16. Sunpelt
  17. Moonshadow
  18. Lightfoot
  19. Whisperfur
  20. Swiftstrike
  21. Nightwhisker
  22. Dawnwhisper
  23. Shadowfur
  24. Sunwhisker
  25. Swiftclaw
  26. Moonfur
  27. Silentpelt
  28. Nightfur
  29. Dawnclaw
  30. Swiftwhisker
  31. Sunclaw
  32. Whisperclaw
  33. Shadowwhisker
  34. Swiftfur
  35. Moonwhisper
  36. Silentclaw
  37. Nightwhisper
  38. Dawnfur
  39. Sunwhisper
  40. Swiftshadow
  41. Moonwhisker
  42. Whisperclaw
  43. Shadowwhisper
  44. Swiftwhisper
  45. Moonclaw
  46. Silentwhisper
  47. Sunclaw
  48. Whisper

Every combination results in a unique and memorable name that captures the many personalities and life experiences of the Tabaxi characters. There is a name on this list to fit every archetype, whether you picture your character as a cunning rogue, a knowledgeable mystic, or a fierce warrior.

Players are encouraged to use their imaginations and customize the name of their Tabaxi to suit their character’s past, personality, and preferred role-playing approach in addition to the suggested names. For more depth and authenticity in your character’s name, think about adding details from their past, such as their native country, experiences, or goals.


Choosing the perfect name for your Tabaxi character is an exciting opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Dungeons and Dragons lore. Whether you’re embarking on a quest for treasure, forging alliances with fellow adventurers, or confronting fearsome foes, your character’s name is a reflection of their identity and legacy.

With over 260 Tabaxi names to choose from, the possibilities are endless. Whether you prefer a name that evokes stealth and cunning or one that celebrates bravery and resilience, there’s a name on this list to suit every adventurer’s taste.

So, as you prepare to embark on your next Dungeons and Dragons adventure, take the time to select a name that resonates with you and brings your Tabaxi character to life. May your journey be filled with thrilling encounters, epic triumphs, and unforgettable tales of heroism.