
Pharmacy Management System

  • ClientKolekie Ansah

  • DateMay, 2021

  • CategoryApplication

Pharmacy Management System

Project Description: The Pharmacy Management System is a comprehensive application designed to streamline the operations of a pharmacy. It provides functionalities for managing inventory, processing sales, maintaining customer records, and generating reports. The system ensures efficient pharmacy management and improves the overall customer experience.

Key Features:

  1. Inventory Management:
    • Track stock levels of medicines and other products.
    • Automatic alerts for low stock and expiry dates.
    • Easy addition, modification, and deletion of products.
  2. Sales Processing:
    • Quick and accurate processing of sales transactions.
    • Generation of invoices and receipts.
    • Integration with payment gateways for seamless transactions.
  3. Customer Management:
    • Maintain detailed customer records.
    • Track customer purchase history.
    • Manage prescriptions and refill reminders.
  4. Reporting and Analytics:
    • Generate comprehensive reports on sales, inventory, and customer data.
    • Visualize data with interactive charts and graphs.
    • Export reports in various formats (PDF, Excel, etc.).
  5. User Management:
    • Role-based access control for different users (admin, pharmacist, cashier).
    • Secure login and authentication system.

Technologies Used:

  • Frontend:
    • React.js: For building the user interface with reusable components.
    • Redux: For state management across the application.
    • Material-UI: For implementing responsive and visually appealing UI components.
  • Backend:
    • Express.js: For creating the RESTful API to handle requests and responses.
    • Node.js: For running the server-side application.
  • Database:
    • MongoDB: For storing and managing the application data with a NoSQL database.

Additional Tools:

  • JWT (JSON Web Tokens): For secure authentication and authorization.
  • Mongoose: For object data modeling (ODM) with MongoDB.
  • Axios: For making HTTP requests from the frontend to the backend.

Project Link: You can find the demo of the Pharmacy Management System on the link: Pharmacy Management System
