In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Apple has once again pushed the boundaries with its latest release, the Apple Vision Pro headset. Apple Vision Pro is a new augmented reality (AR) headset that was released in June 2023 and It has been praised for its innovative design and features. Priced at a premium $3,500, this cutting-edge device promised an immersive experience that transcends the boundaries of virtual and augmented reality. However, amidst the buzz and anticipation, a wave of discontent has emerged, with reports of unhappy fans returning their headsets due to complaints ranging from headaches to burst blood vessels.

The Hype:

Apple Vision Pro was touted as a game-changer, merging the realms of virtual and augmented reality to deliver an unparalleled visual experience. With state-of-the-art features like high-resolution displays, advanced spatial audio, and seamless integration with Apple’s ecosystem, the headset seemed poised to revolutionize the way we interact with digital content.

The Reality:

Despite the initial excitement, some users have reported experiencing discomfort and adverse effects that have led them to return their Apple Vision Pro headsets. Complaints include headaches, eye strain, and, in extreme cases, burst blood vessels. The cause of these issues is not entirely clear, leaving users and tech enthusiasts alike puzzled and concerned.

It’s been on sale for less than two weeks.

But many unhappy Apple customers are already returning their $3,500 Vision Pro headsets.

Across social media, users have complained of headaches, eye strain, and even burst blood vessels after wearing the Vision Pro.

One user posted on X, the former Twitter platform, stating: Apple Vision Pro is great for certain things, but I have never used it without getting headaches and eye strain.

Another wrote: ‘I bought the Apple Vision Pro and even though the technology is amazing… I returned it.

Understanding the Issues:

If you are experiencing any health problems while using Apple Vision Pro, it is important to stop using it and consult with a doctor. You can also contact Apple for support.

It is important to note that some people may be more sensitive to AR technology than others. If you experience any discomfort while using Apple Vision Pro, it is important to stop using it and consult with a doctor.

Apple’s Response:

In response to the growing number of complaints on its support page, Apple has acknowledged the concerns and expressed its commitment to addressing them promptly. The company has urged users to take breaks during extended usage and has provided guidelines for adjusting the headset for a more comfortable fit.

Moving Forward:

While the negative reports are certainly cause for concern, it’s essential to remember that early adopters often face unforeseen challenges with groundbreaking technology. Apple is known for its dedication to user experience, and it’s likely that the company will work diligently to resolve these issues through software updates and improved hardware.

In the meantime, potential buyers should exercise caution and carefully consider their own comfort preferences and health conditions before investing in the Apple Vision Pro. As the technology continues to evolve, user feedback will play a crucial role in shaping the future of augmented and virtual reality devices.


The Apple Vision Pro’s rocky start serves as a reminder that even the most innovative products can encounter unexpected hurdles. As Apple addresses user concerns and refines the technology, the trajectory of the headset’s success will become clearer. In the dynamic world of technology, the journey toward perfection is often paved with challenges, and Apple’s response to the current situation will undoubtedly shape the future of the Apple Vision Pro.