How To Increase Text Contrast in PyCharm

To increase text contrast in PyCharm, you can adjust the color scheme used by the editor. Here’s how you can do it:


In the main menu, go to File > Settings.

In the Settings window, go to Editor > Color Scheme.

In the Color Scheme settings, you can choose a different color scheme that has higher contrast. You can also customize the colors used by the current color scheme by clicking the Edit button.

To customize the colors used by the current color scheme, click the Colors tab and then choose the element you want to customize from the list on the left. On the right, you can choose a new color for the selected element using the color picker.

When you’re done customizing the colors, click the Apply button to apply your changes.

You can also increase the font size to make the text easier to read. To do this, go to Editor > Font in the Settings window and choose a larger font size.


My name is Sen Gideons, you can drop your comments below if you have any problems or suggestions, Thanks.