Top 4 Programming Languages To Learn In 2024

Considering a career in data science but unsure which programming language to use?

As the digital world continues to evolve at a breakneck pace, the demand for skilled programmers remains insatiable. Staying ahead in the tech industry necessitates not only an in-depth understanding of current trends, but also a command of the appropriate programming languages. Here’s everything you need to know about the programming languages that will be at the forefront of the data science sector in 2024.

1. Python

Python is one of the most liked programming languages of all time. It is extremely simple to use and free of any clutter. As of 2024, Python has maintained its position as a top-tier programming language. Its dominance continues to grow. Python’s readability and versatility make it an ideal language for a wide range of applications, from web development to artificial intelligence.

Python has risen to the top of several programming language popularity indices, including the TIOBE Index and the PYPL Index, and it remains the most popular programming language. Python is an open-source, general-purpose programming language that has a wide range of applications not only in the data science industry but also in other areas such as web development and video game development.



Current Average Salaries (2023):

  • US: $101,195 – $114,144 (Source: LinkedIn, Coursera)
  • Global: $85,000 – $140,000 (Source: Blockchain Council)

Factors that Influence Salary:

  • Experience: Entry-level developers can expect around $92,926, while senior developers with 5+ years of experience can command salaries exceeding $130,000 (Source: Coursera)
  • Location: Salaries are generally higher in major tech hubs like San Francisco, New York, and London.
  • Industry: Python developers in high-paying industries like finance and healthcare can earn more than those in education or non-profit sectors.
  • Skills and Certifications: Strong technical skills, advanced knowledge of specific frameworks, and relevant certifications can boost your earning potential.

2024 Predictions:

  • The demand for Python developers is expected to continue growing in 2024 due to its versatility and popularity in various fields like data science, AI, and web development.
  • This continued demand could lead to slight increases in average salaries, especially for experienced and highly skilled developers.
  • However, economic factors and overall job market conditions could also impact salary trends.

Therefore, while the exact average salary in 2024 remains uncertain, Python developers can expect a competitive and lucrative career path. By continuously honing your skills and experience, you can position yourself for success in this ever-evolving field.

Python can perform any data science task you can think of. This is primarily due to its extensive library ecosystem. Python can perform a wide range of operations, from data preprocessing, visualization, and statistical analysis to the deployment of machine learning and deep learning models, thanks to thousands of powerful packages and a large user community. Here are a few of the most popular libraries for data science and machine learning:

  • NumPy: a popular Python package that provides a large collection of advanced mathematical functions. Many packages, including the well-known NumPy arrays, are built on Numpy objects.
  • pandas: is a key library in data science, used for performing all kinds of manipulation of databases, also called DataFrames.
  • Matplotlib: the standard Python library for data visualization.
  • scikit-learn: built on top of NumPy and SciPy, it has become the most popular Python library for developing machine learning algorithms.
  • TensorFlow: developed by Google, it is a powerful computational framework for developing machine learning and deep learning algorithms.
  • Keras: an open-source library designed to train neural networks with high performance.


2. JavaScript



For the most part, high-level, interpreted programming languages such as Javascript are used to create websites. Javascript is used on websites to add interactivity, animations, and dynamic information. It is versatile because it can be used in both client-side and server-side scripting.

Javascript comes with a wide range of frameworks and tools that make it simple to build complex online applications. React, Angular, Vue.js, and Node.js are some of the most popular Javascript frameworks. These frameworks make it simple to create single-page apps, real-time apps, and other complex online applications.

Javascript’s popularity originates from its adaptability and utility in web development. It is an essential language for front-end programming as well as back-end development with frameworks such as Node.js. Javascript has a large and active developer community that contributes to its growth and development. Not only the community, but also professional teams that are always ready to create any software solutions, can assist with development.

JavaScript has been voted as the most commonly used programming language by the Stack Overflow Survey For the eleventh year in a row.



Current Average Salaries (2023):

  • US: $94,832 – $105,913 (Source: Coursera, Glassdoor)
  • Global: $64,100 – $97,900 (Source: VelvetJobs)

Factors that Influence Salary:

  • Experience: Entry-level developers can expect around $71,410, while senior developers with 5+ years can earn over $130,000 (Source: Coursera)
  • Location: Similar to Python, tech hubs like San Francisco and London offer higher salaries.
  • Specialization: Front-end, back-end, or full-stack specialization can impact salary.
  • Skills and Certifications: Advanced knowledge of frameworks like React or Angular can boost earnings.

2024 Predictions:

  • The demand for JavaScript developers is expected to remain high, driven by the continued growth of web development and mobile app creation.
  • This demand could lead to moderate salary increases, especially for experienced and specialized developers.
  • However, similar to Python, economic factors and job market conditions could influence trends.

Overall, JavaScript developers can expect a promising career path in 2024. Honing your skills, specializing in a specific area, and staying updated with the latest technologies can significantly increase your earning potential.



Java is the next most popular programming language to learn in 2024. Java remains one of the most popular programming languages and will be an excellent language to learn in 2024. Java is used in the development stack of the vast majority of enterprise applications. So, if you are going to work for a well-known enterprise company, chances are you will be using Java!.

Despite being around for over 25 years, Java is still very much alive. Java is a platform-independent, object-oriented programming language that is widely used for developing enterprise-scale applications. Its ‘Write Once, Run Anywhere’ principle ensures high portability, which is an important benefit in today’s diverse device environment.Java’s vast ecosystem, which includes robust open-source tools and libraries as well as applications in emerging tech fields such as IoT and big data, ensures that it will remain in demand in the IT industry.

Why learn Java

Here is a quick summary on why you should learn Java:

  • Enterprise Software – One of the primary reasons to learn Java is that it is used to build large scale applications in many tech companies around the world. Top companies such as Uber, AirBnB, Twitter, and many others use Java as part of their technology stack. This means that finding a job as a Java developer in a large corporation is relatively simple.
  • Java applications are optimized for performance and are faster than dynamically typed languages. The JVMs are modernized and performant, making it suitable for large applications.
  • Android Development – Java is used to create native Android applications. If you want to become an Android developer, learning Java makes a lot of sense.
  • Huge Community – Java has been a popular programming language for over a decade, and it has a sizable community behind it. When you begin learning Java, you will come across a plethora of resources, forums, and books to assist you.
  • Platform and Tools – Java ecosystem has evolved over the years, and there are various cool tools and IDEs that support development in Java like IntelliJ, Eclipse and so on.


4. Kotlin

Kotlin, a modern statically typed programming language, is quickly gaining traction as the preferred language for Android app development, particularly since Google designated it as a first-class language for Android. Kotlin is compatible with Java and addresses many of Java’s flaws, such as verbosity and null pointer safety.The increased popularity of mobile app development, combined with Kotlin’s growing popularity and ease of learning, makes it a language that IT professionals should consider learning in 2024.

Why learn Kotlin

Here is a quick summary on why you should learn Kotlin:

  • Modern, Concise, and Safe: Kotlin’s tagline is “modern, concise, and safe.” It was designed to be better than Java, and many developers can attest to that. Kotlin’s syntax is simple and concise, making it popular among developers.
  • Compatibility with Java: Kotlin is completely compatible with Java and can be easily integrated with existing Java applications. This is a significant advantage when incorporating Kotlin into existing enterprise applications. Developers can gradually incorporate Kotlin into their projects while still running the majority of them in Java.
  • Easier to Code, Maintain, and Test: When your code is concise and simple, it is easier to maintain and test. Kotlin detects all errors at compile time rather than run time, ensuring that it is less prone to errors and more stable.



The year 2024 promises to be an exciting and diverse environment for programming languages. Each language has its own set of strengths and potential, catering to different fields and addressing different issues. However, it is critical to recognize that the world of programming languages is constantly expanding. New languages may emerge, and existing ones may evolve and adapt. As a developer, you must cultivate a mindset of continuous learning and discovery. Maintain your interest, remain adaptable, and be ready to welcome new languages and technologies as they emerge in the future.

Meanwhile, stay adaptable, stay curious, and remember that the world of coding is a realm of endless possibilities waiting to be explored!

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